After school on Friday was the day Amanda had volunteered to bring on the 2nd grade bunny to watch over the weekend. His name is Whiskers. It has been really funny watching them with the bunny over the weekend not to mentioned Amanda cleaning up after the bunny. Today was the day when Amanda invited a couple of friends over for a play date and some crafts. When her best friend from school arrived she had a little brother (Anthony) who was 4, needless to say Anthony & Jake were best buds and Anthony convinced his mom he needed to stay and play with Jake. It was a blast! Here are some of the custom cards the girls made
Amanda with her best friend from class, Madison
Jake with his new best friend (Madison's little brother) Anthony
Friday was the day Lynn and I volunteered for "Rocking reader". This is where parents take turns coming to class and reading a book to the class. We also did a quick little project (making a discover book) and gave out little treat bags with popcorn and raisins. The kids loved the story, craft and of course the treat bag. It was really fun reading to over 20- 2nd graders and seeing how enthused they were to read
Saturday, September 27, 2008
"bunny sitting", play date, rocking reader and Hananh Soots
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The second most important thing in life that really matters
This is for the happiest little boy in the world. Thanks for all the laughs, hugs and kisses.
I will always love you, Dad!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Waikiki dinner, sunset, ice cream, fireworks and lunch with big Sis
I made a deal with the kids if we had a good week with Lynn being gone we would spend Friday evening in Waikiki, so here's our story. I took the kids to one of our favorite restaurants the Yard house and the kids loved it. We really had a good time and the food as always was fantastic. We then headed over to the beach to catch the sunset. As always it was fantastic. Then we headed over to Hilton Hawaiian Village to the best ice cream parlor on island Lappert's and it was fantastic. We topped the night off with fire works on the beach and they were fantastic as well. All in all a wonderful evening with the kids in Waikiki.Fireworks over Waikiki beach
Kids posing for a picture at Fort DeRussy Park
Restaurant in Waikiki
Ice cream parlor in Waikiki
In front of the Yard house restaurant
One of the Truly important things in life that really matter
This is dedicated to Amanda. She makes sure everyone around her smiles and enjoys life. She is always looking to help anyone she can that is less fortunate. Amanda you are a true blessing.
Picture below (Amanda on the left and dad on the right)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Hickam Art night
Tonight was art night at Amanda's school. So after dinner we headed back to school to check out the activities. In front of the school is a statue where the kids wanted to get a picture. Aren't these guys cute?
They had 3 different types of art (water paint, Hawaiian theme and Pastels). Here is Amanda's completed project made from pastels. She made this all on her own without any ones help. Due to over 200 kids RSVP'ing for this event we were only allowed to pick one event.
This is Jake's new look when he doesn't get the answer he wants. Not sure where he learned this from.
Amanda and Jake going busy at art table. We were surprisingly treated to their favorite babysitter (Victoria) and family who joined us for the art night.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Lynn arrives to PA, new shoes and homemade cookies
With Lynn making it safely back to PA, today was our first full day without her. Everyone was up bright and early and we were off to school and to get Jake some new shoes. He's growing out of them faster than he can wear them out. We arrived to the NEX a little early and so we decided to do a couple of rides. 1st the submarine Then the jet-ski
Then the Mac truck
After we picked out a nice pair of Vans size 10 1/2 we decided to get a smoothie at Jamba juice

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Leadership Challenge Program
Last week I had an incredible opportunity to attend a 3 day Leadership Challenge Program on Hickam offered to 26 SMSgt's. This was the very first class that was about ME! (and each of the other 25 students) They didn't teach you how to be a leader they taught you about yourself (strengths and weaknesses). It was taught by Barry Berglund and Pete Ellum from the Center of Creative Leadership out of N.C. These guys have been teaching Senior leaders from all branches of the Military and CEO's from around the world. This was by far the most comprehensive look into how I'm wired to think / react and predict how I will handle daily life and critical decisions. Below is the complete summary of my leadership abilities-style, my behavior, personality preferences and my behavior in conflict situations.
No need to continue reading unless you are just curious or bored!
The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL®) offers an exclusive focus on leadership education and research and unparalleled expertise in solving the leadership challenges of individuals and organizations everywhere. What is creative leadership? It's the capacity to think and act beyond the boundaries that limit our effectiveness. They believe leaders are made, not born, and that they can adapt and change. They believe that strong interpersonal skills, grounded in personal reflection and self-awareness, are the key to effective leadership. My report was a comprehensive survey from my supervisor, peers and subordinates. I had an overall rating in the very high range with the following qualities; experienced and well-informed (ability to offer long-term, big picture views), an enterprising person, dealing skillfully with complex issues and unexpected challenges. I'm seen as a leader with savvy, one who can identify new business ventures and turn them into reality. I demonstrate trust in others, which enables me to give them latitude and opportunities to learn and grow.
The purpose of the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation report (FIRO-B) is to provide a three dimensional view of expressed and wanted behavior, which define how much a person expresses to others, and how much he wants from others.
My report basically states the following; Control is my lowest priority, I won't be much concerned about order and structure until my needs for inclusion and affection are satisfied. I don't want to be closely supervised, I'm self-sufficient, I prefer to work on projects that aren't politicized, I avoid being the focus of attention in meetings, I find recognition less important than accomplishment of the task, I tend to be task oriented and businesslike, I neither seek reassurance from others nor provide it.
The Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment is an instrument used to measure opposite ways of gaining energy (extraversion or intorversion), gathering or becoming aware of information (sensing or intuition), deciding or coming to a conclusion about that information (thinking or feeling) and dealing with the world around us (judging or perceiving).

As an ESTJ, your primary mode of living is focused externally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is internal, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion.
ESTJs live in a world of facts and concrete needs. They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs. They expect the same of others, and have no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. They value competence and efficiency, and like to see quick results for their efforts.
ESTJs are take-charge people. They have such a clear vision of the way that things should be, that they naturally step into leadership roles. They are self-confident and aggressive. They are extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task. They can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because they have such strongly held beliefs, and are likely to express themselves without reserve if they feel someone isn't meeting their standards. But at least their expressions can be taken at face-value, because the ESTJ is extremely straight-forward and honest.
The ESTJ is usually a model citizen, and pillar of the community. He or she takes their commitments seriously, and follows their own standards of "good citizenship" to the letter. ESTJ enjoys interacting with people, and likes to have fun. ESTJs can be very boisterous and fun at social events, especially activities which are focused on the family, community, or work.
The ESTJ needs to watch out for the tendency to be too rigid, and to become overly detail-oriented. Since they put a lot of weight in their own beliefs, it's important that they remember to value other people's input and opinions. If they neglect their Feeling side, they may have a problem with fulfilling other's needs for intimacy, and may unknowingly hurt people's feelings by applying logic and reason to situations which demand more emotional sensitivity.
The ESTJ puts forth a lot of effort in almost everything that they do. They will do everything that they think should be done in their job, marriage, and community with a good amount of energy. He or she is conscientious, practical, realistic, and dependable.

These two basic dimensions of behavior define five different modes for responding to conflict situations: Competing, Collaborating, Compromising, Avoiding and Accommodating.

Compromisers provide a practical, pragmatic force for moderation, a compromising style is helpful in finding fair, workable settlements. It puts less strain on goodwill than does a competitive style and takes less time than does a collaborative style

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hawaiian Water Adventure Park
Today we took to the kids to their all time favorite spot. Hawaiian Waters Park