Family, Friends and Fitness
Today, I started back running to see how I would do with over 45 days of no running. I was able to complete a 5 mile loop with no real issue cardio wise, but I could tell I'm missing the natural feel for the pace I was running. The workouts on the bike have really established a great aerobic foundation. Overall a very good run with that long of a layover. Now I just have to incorporate more weekly miles into my training (might have to cut back on the bike). I said might! Here is the loop around the housing area and through the Hickam harbor. Great place to run and enjoy the scenery.
Okay, here are the ingredients for the "green shake of energy" I got this from the Montel Williams book Living Well that mom and dad brought when they visited in Feb. This recipe is for a vita mixer but can be made in a regular mixer (just cut the ingredients in half). 2 bananas peeled, 3 oranges peeled, 1 head of romaine lettuce hearts and 4 cups of water. Blend on high and served chilled.
You will have to push all the ingredients into the blender to fill with water.
Blend on high until all smooth. I will put this up against any cup of Joe or red bull energy drink. I don't recommend drinking this in the late evening unless you plan on staying awake.
Not sure if there was a better way to spend Memorial day, than with the family on a nice tour of the Pineapple Factory on the Pineapple Express. Jake absolutely loves trains and was so exited to get to ride the train setting beside his big sister.
If you ever wondered how they plant a pineapple, how long does it take to produce fruit, need to know when to pick or how to store a fresh pineapple this video clip is for you with all the answers.
Wow, what a day. It all started out early in the week with some secret negotiations with Ben to borrow some of the best aero equipment made. Like this LAS aero helmet weighing in at only 450 grams. Additionally Ben allowed me to use his Reynolds Attack carbon racing wheels, weighing in at 1485 grams a set. (3.3 lbs)
Now it was time to get the SAG (support and gear) wagon loaded up with our gear. Dev and I both have indoor trainers to warm-up prior to an event as well as makes it easier to haul the bikes around without strapping them down. This picture is before we loaded all the gear around the bikes. I'm not sure if we went on a bike ride or a camping trip once the van was loaded down with all of our gear but with an 0400 departure it would have sucked to get to the race and forgotten something.
Just as Ben had predicted. We were the 1st ones on scene and staked out some prime real estate. Yes it was a little dark getting the bikes set-up but only about 30 mins before it was daylight.
This was a 40K (25.2 mile) out and back time trial event beginning and ending at Malaekahana State Park
Not long after we got the bikes set up John (HACC Daddy) showed up with the best canopy I've ever seen. It took all of about 3 mins to set up the tent and proudly display the Team Banner. This is Casey and Ben (today's future state champions) already warming up for the race.
After Jake and I took Amanda to School we decided to make it a boys day out. We had breakfast at the Harbor and then went to Discovery Center (Jake's new favorite place) Here's Jake carrying his water bottle to school
Jake says "bring me some pancakes, I'm hungry".
We even got to see a ship pass through the Harbor during our breakfast.
After all the time Jake's watched Amanda and I play chess, he thinks he knows how to play.
Finally, we found the kids fishing center and Jake was a true natural at catching fish. I didn't think I was going to get him to leave his first and favorite fishing hole.
May 1 2008 @ 11:30 p:m Madison Isabell Soots was born in Anchorage AK weighing in at 8 lbs 1 oz. This is my brother Nathan and his wife's first child which makes me an uncle.
Oh, how peaceful they are just hours after they are born.
This is Nana holding Madison. Let's see how long it takes before Nana spoils her.
Good luck Nathan and Mary on your new addition. She is adorable. I thought you would have already had her a fishing pole with the salmon season only days away.
This is why we do what we do. So that America can be free, however if you want to challenge our way - bring it on - we're ready are you?
We finally got some good rain this evening that will be great for the grass and flowers. Perfect timing since Jake and I just added some fertilizer to the front yard an hour before the rain begin. Jake, has discovered he can build his train track anyway he likes and today decided he needed all of his pieces to build a track as long as he could. He built the entire track by himself with no one helping or hindering him (which ever way you want to look at it).
Today's hammer fest had a little bit of everything. 26 riders showed up for an intense/hot ride. Everything started off a little slower than normal then when the paced picked up it really picked up. I got up to 34mph trying to keep up with the front pack. We then went through an intersection with no problems and just has the pace was picking up one of our seasoned riders crashed hard onto the curb. He seemed fine and got up and rode at a blistering pace, only to notice at the end of the ride his helmet was cracked and needed to go to the hospital for x-rays. A couple of hard intervals later and the ride was over. What a day for a quick 54 min 16.2mile lunch ride.
Hope all is well Steve
After a year of yard maintenance we've finally got our back yard nice with green grass and beautiful assortment of flowers. Lynn's has really nursed all the flowers to grow and the grass/weeds have gave way to some nice green grass in our back yard. None of the other neighbors take too much interest in their yards, which only makes our stand out even more.
This morning was a nice and easy 15m recovery ride with Ben, Dev and Steve. It was nice riding together and being able to chat vs. waiting on the next attack.
This morning started off with me PT testing an individual for his annual AF PT exam (which went well). Then I was off to have my BMI checked via a BOD Pod. Hickam AFB as a state of the art facility that combines a Health and Wellness Center with Physical Therapy otherwise known as H-PARC (Human Performance and Rehabilitation Center. Thanks to the outstanding support of the Exercise Physiologist (Mr. Jason) and the Registered Dietitian (Ms. Amanda) they have provide unbelievable guidance on injury prevention and proper nutrition. Here is how I transformed my body over the last 15 months and reduced my body fat by 18%.
13 May 2008
Lean muscle mass 138.7 lbs 82.3%
Fat mass 29.9lbs 17.7%
Total weight 168.6 lbs.
9 Feb 2007
Lean muscle mass 119 lbs 64.2%
Fat mass 65.5 lbs 35.8%
Total weight 185.5 lbs.
I'm now consider to be in the moderately lean category (13%-20%).