After a solid 2 hour bike ride (0615) it was off to Ko'olina beach resort with the kids to enjoy some rays and the water (0900). It was a really great day to go to the beach and let the kids have some fun. Without any waves they worked on their balance on the boogie boards.
After a quick little hike to the rocks overlooking the Pacific Ocean they stopped for a couple of seconds to let me get a picture.
Jake chilling with his shades and apple
To top the afternoon off it was Chili's for lunch and coloring while we waited for our food
This morning's ride was supposed to be a recovery ride, however it was everything but that. Ben and I waited at the gym for a few of the other guys then it was off searching. We quickly caught up with Dev and begin our search for Jeff A. and Casey. Out to the tower for a little warm-up to get the day started. Almost to the tower we caught Jeff A., however still no Casey. While heading back from the tower I decided to open it up a bit to see how the 53/39 gearing would work. It was very smooth and took me a little longer to wind it out. Then we decided to get in some Hickam tower loops for the upcoming "crit" race and try to get a home course advantage. Then Jeff A. mentioned he had never been to AMR, so it was off to AMR for some hill work. Still hadn't found Casey. Ben mentioned he was going to take it easy in the hills, then jumped up and took off. I was glad he did it gave me someone to try and catch and allowed me to check out the gearing on the hills. They worked great and I was able to post my fastest 3 mile lap ever in AMR. Long story short, recovery ride turned into sprints, crit training and climbing - so much for a recovery ride. Never did find Casey (I'm sure he didn't oversleep)
Can your Garmin detect coronavirus?
4 years ago
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