This morning was going to be a nice easy recovery run until we saw Ben running up the street with Mr. Ultra-man. He quickly invited us to run with him for 5 miles and we were off. Our pace steadily became quicker and it was a good morning to run. About half way I slowed for one of the guys that was having some back issues, but we quickly got back on pace to catch the two guys up front. Just as we thought we were gaining on them they dropped the hammer for a short tempo run, they slowed down for us to catch them and then it was our turn to do a short tempo run which felt really good. Thanks to Gil for teaching us a couple of relaxation techniques. Overall we (Ben S., Dev, Gil) ran 5.1m, 42:41, 8:22 avg pace, avg HR 154, total calories burned 700
Mr. Ultraman
Can your Garmin detect coronavirus?
4 years ago
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