2008 Presidential election with out a doubt will be history in the making regardless which party wins. Below is a picture taking 3 months ago with now Republican VP nominee (AK Gov.) Sarah Palin holding my niece Madison at an Anchorage event held a small airport. Who knew 3 months ago the AK Gov. would be the talk of the country. If Americans really want a change in politics they might get it after this election. Here's Jake after his new haircut yesterday. He didn't like the stuff they put in his hair so I had to get a picture quick. He is such a cutie.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
History in the making; new haircut
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Simply Priceless
This morning started out with some intense climbing intervals (more on that later). When I returned home the plan was to take the kids on a bike ride to the local cafe by the Harbor. We loaded up the van with the kids bikes so Jake could ride the 1 mile path to the cafe. I jogged along side and took pictures. What an incredible time we had on the bike ride. Everyone we passed on the path were cheering them on, it was fantastic
It doesn't get any better than this
Below is the elevation chart from the climbing intervals. It's not that high but it's a great place to knock out short hard efforts to try and increase my overall climbing strength
Complete slide show from today's ride is posted at the top of the right hand column
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Amanda's 'Ohana school project
Part of Hawaiian culture, ʻOhana means family in an extended sense of the term including blood-related, adoptive or intentional. It emphasizes that family and friends are bound together and members must cooperate and remember one another. Below is Amanda's 'Ohana project she completed for school. She was very excited to do this project and very proud of her work. click on images to enlarge
("ʻOhana means family and family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.").
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Hickam Half Marathon
This morning @ 0500 I met up with Ben to knock-out the Hickam Half Marathon (13.1 miles). After a 1 mile walk in the dark and through some construction areas we made it to the base track with plenty of time to spare for the start of the race. My plan was to start of slow and get into a good rhythm for the duration of the race. When the gun sounded we were off and so much for my plan, the first 3 miles were very fast for a half marathon pace. Race was pretty much uneventful, I finished 1 hour 55 mins which was a little slower than I had hoped but well within the 2 hour mark. Below is the path we took which had a ton of volunteers at every intersection and several individuals on bikes directing traffic. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out it really made a difference.
After the race we waited for a much needed massage by the Hickam fitness center staff. It felt really good to have some of the soreness that had already started to set-in worked out on the massage table. After the 1 mile walk back home, I decided to try a ICE-cold bath to help prevent any muscle soreness. Overall not to bad of a morning.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Newest HACC member, Jake's first race
Tonight Jake wanted to ride his bike with another boy around the playground. I asked Jake if he would like to wear his new HACC jersey (just like the one Dad wears) and he was so excited to have his own jersey. As you can see Jake was focused and not about to let the other boy pass him
Jake on his victory lap
Race #2 with a sizable lead
Jake stopping to ensure his friend was okay
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Incredible 10 mile bike ride, 40 year old pictures, dive in the pool
It all started this morning at 0500 when I got up to go on a bike ride for interval training on some hills close to the house. After I got dressed I decided to change it up today and get Amanda out of bed and ride to the Mamala Golf course on Hickam for breakfast instead of doing the planned hill training. I waited till 0700 to wake her and she got right out of bed and was so excited to go riding with me early in the morning. She must have thanked me 10 times for waking her up. She did great for the entire 10 mile bike ride. I will make this a habit in the future! She has quickly acquired some good riding skills for a 7 yr old and listens to my instructions very well when we are on the roads.
Here is a view of the Mamala Golf course where we had breakfast
When we returned home Amanda got the idea she needed some ICE COLD water to cool her off. Lynn was more than happy to help her out.
On the way back the road passes directly underneath the main taxiway for Honolulu - Hickam airport and we got the pleasure of seeing the finest fighter aircraft in the world as we approached the bridge.
Dad sent these pictures to me a couple of days ago and said mom had stumbled across them. They are pictures of me when I was just a baby almost 40 years ago, I didn't know they had colored pictures back then.
me and my dad