Due to the Labor Day holiday and an extra day off from work on Friday we decided to make it Lynn's Birthday weekend. So tonight Amanda and I picked up a nice bouquet of flowers to go with the dinner we made for the family.
We made BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, baked beans, asparagus, and some pasta salad for Lynn's birthday dinner

After dinner we had a nice ice-cream birthday cake with a musical candle. Jake can't figure out where the sound is coming from.

Jake is helping his mom blow the candle out.

Last night we decided to get a babysitter (Amanda and Jake have been bugging us to go on a date) and join up with some good friends for a dinner downtown in Waikiki. We have ate at this restaurant before and really like it. It's called the Yard House (with over 100 different beers on tap).

Here is Ben trying out a fruity drink

Here is Ben taking on the Yard House sampler. 6 different beers. The paper he is reading tells the name of each beer. It also stated that since beer is made mostly of bread it must be part of the 5 daily food groups.

Here is Dev and Marita deciding what to order from the menu (they have a huge selection to choose from)

Here is why it's called the Yard House. You can order beer by the Yard glass (this is a half-yard glass of beer)

To top it off Lynn and I shared a piece of Macadamia nut cheesecake

And to get the weekend off on the right foot I finished a project Lynn is been wanting to complete for a couple of weeks. We figured out how to block the opening as you entered the front door which made better use of the living room.
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