Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fall Festival, old friends, school project & cleaning time

Tonight was the annual Hickam Elementary Fall Festival. Several neat little games and a spaghetti dinner was included. Good time had by all

Jake observing Amanda throwing balls at the dunk tank, he even gave it a try but couldn't quite throw the ball hard enough
They even had a soft serve ice cream truck
Everyone loves a little ice cream
Amanda and I eating our ice creamThis is Jake hitching a back ride from Katlin who was visiting with her parents who are some really good friends from Tucson that spent their Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii and we were able to hook up with them for a nice dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in WaikikiAmanda's book project for class. Her assignment was to make a 3-D scene using recyclable material of her favorite book. This is her project about horses in the wild.
After today's lunchtime ride I discovered my road bike looked more like a mtn bike. So it's prepped for a good cleaning and waxing tomorrow.

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